Global Mission Fellows
Global Mission Fellows are young adults, ages 20–30, who are committed to serve in social justice ministries for two years. They enter into new communities, understanding their challenges and assets through relationships and with the long-term goal to overcome systemic oppression. Fellows partner with community organizations to address a variety of issues, including migration/immigration, education, public health and poverty.
We invite young adults from around the world to
Explore how fellows are putting their faith into action.
Core Values
Global Mission Fellows aim to live out these core values:
- ENGAGE local communities
- They serve alongside churches, community groups and individuals to address the priorities of people in their community. They are called to do ministry with – not to or for – those they serve. Fellows live simply as an act of solidarity and humility. As learners and co-laborers, they embrace interdependence and commit to having the same standard of living as their local partners. Fellows join local initiatives to break the chains of injustice and alleviate human suffering (Isaiah 58:6-7).
- CONNECT the church in mission
- Fellows invite churches to participate in mission projects through prayers, financial support, emotional care and common action. They share stories in local churches about their experiences of God’s gracious love and they advocate for social change, testifying about hope in the face of injustice. Connecting the local church with the global church is one significant way young adults are making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world (Matthew 28:19-20).
- GROW in personal and social holiness
- They understand, as did John Wesley, that transformation happens when the inner and outer life are aligned in right relationship with God, oneself and others. Through service and contemplation, fellows grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Following Jesus’ example, they show compassion through presence, word and deed. Recognizing the prophetic role of marginalized people, fellows accompany them in building just communities. They follow the call to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8).
Program Structure
The program has two tracks: US-2 and International. Both tracks offer candidates the opportunity to be part of a cohort with other Global Mission Fellows.
Fellows are matched to serve with a partnering organization to address an issue of injustice in their placement community. Fellows serve as a cohort during their two years of service.
US-2 Track
The US-2 Track is for young adults authorized to work in the United States (including citizens, DAPA and DACA) and who are called to serve in the United States.
International Track
The International Track is for young adults from across the globe who are called to serve outside of their home country.
The International Track welcomes participants from around the world. The alumni from this track represent more than 40 countries from five continents, which supports Global Ministries’ commitment to send missionaries “From everywhere to everywhere”.
NOTE: Those serving in the International Track will not be eligible for placement in the United States.
Methodist Connection
Global Mission Fellows is a program of The United Methodist Church. The Wesleyan value of personal and social holiness is at the core of the Global Mission Fellows program. The program is open to those from different denominational backgrounds, but participants are expected to represent The United Methodist Church and uphold its social principles during their time of service.
Global Mission Fellows are commissioned and sent by Global Ministries, the mission agency of The United Methodist Church.